Adam and Eve. However, most people inevitably mention . Adam and Eve heard the voice of God walking in the cool of the day.Read the KJV plus many other versions point to the fact that they walked with the voice of God. God cannot look upon sin ( Habakkuk 1:13) and that's why He told Moses no one can see His face and live ( Exodus 33:20 ). That he still comes to them even after theyve sinned emphasizes that they have made the first move away from him, before he moves them away from Himself by putting them out of Eden. I dont recall what prompted it, but I do remember searching for the phrase, God walked with Adam in the cool of the day. If you had bothered to read the post, you would have read these words: I have been studying this part about god walking with Adam when I came across your post. I hear it on a regular basis, and many of my coworkers have said it. Keep up the good work brother, the TRUTH shall be the only thing that sets us free. constant) communication with God (e.g., the angel in Daniel 10:13 who was withstood by the prince of Persian for 21 days until Michael came to help him). Then let the land rest on the seventh year right? can you show me when i can get the ideas? Was it God walking or was it something different? Thanks! Genesis 3:8, CSB: Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden at the time of the evening breeze, and they hid from the Lord God . While its true they could have been over 120 years old when Cain killed Abel, they also could have been any age from very young up to 120+. It is possible that God literally walked in the Garden of Eden in the form of a human. 30? I believe this issue is often promoted by people with certain theological perspectives who want to show how much damage sin did to our relationship with God. No sowing or reaping for 3 years! You asked who they were conversing with. My guess is that they would not have had nearly enough animals to eat over their forty year wandering. Daniel, The only possible biblical reference to walking in the Garden of Eden is found after Adam and Eve sinned. Then something happened. They and their children would experience sickness, pain, and physical death. Tim. Maybe He was physically there throughoutthe short time that they were in the Garden, but I have my doubts. Whirlwinds dont speakunless it is God appearing in that form. It would be accurate if the point of my article was to claim that Adam and Eve did not walk with God in the Garden prior to sin. Genesis 3:8 Can you imagine what it must have been like in the garden of Eden, before sin entered the world? When I was young I remember the most favorites of things I would get for Christmas. In conclusion, the whole of chapter 2 & 3 causes me to conclude that Adam regularly communed with God somehow; and to me probably daily (or at least almost) since we know we are the apple of His eye. So there is no need to appeal to some sort of walk in the garden for them to know Gods voice. Yet now the man and the woman are hiding from God in fear. Like a child jumping in his fathers arm as he comes home from work. It is doubtful that God threw Adam into a confusing environment where he would be overwhelmed with the array of plants and animals. 5 Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth[ a] and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground, 6 but streams[ b] came up from the . "Until the cool of the day. I plan to search through it much more. However, I also notice in chapter 2 that Adam recognized God speaking (commanding) to him concerning the forbidden tree. Far too often, we allow traditions, even seemingly innocent ones, to become the basis for our understanding of Scripture. The Garden of Eden, the terrestrial Paradise known also as the Garden of God, is one of the most famous settings in the Bible. Either way, prior to sin there was not a fractured relationship between God and man, but there certainly is as a result of sin. Why werent they mentioned? For Adam to know that the sound he heard was the sound of God, he must have heard it before. If you want to try to build a case for the possibility, thats fine with me too. Thats the point of this post. . thank you so much. No one is perfect, but when you are walking with God your desire should be to see your own selfish desires die for the sake of seeing God transform you more and more into the image of His Son: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. Tim,I will have to agree that scripture does not state outright that God and Adam walked in the garden together on a daily basis, as many assume, however, the earlier verses in Genesis would seem to indicate that Adam and God did enjoy some sort of periodic personal interaction, such as when God brought the animals to Adam to see what he would name them, or when God gave Adam instructions regarding the work that he was to do in the garden, and what he was, and was not, supposed to eat, and certainly when God put Adam to sleep to remove one of his ribs. I happened on this post because the thought came to my mind that God only walked with Adam, not EveI do not know why I had the thought, and I had not checked Gods Holy Word on the issue, but I read your article which partly validated my thought in an unexpected way. I just think that Adam and Eve would have needed alot of one on one guidance from God, in person, that of which they couldnt have possibly received by remote control. And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the afternoon; and both Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of the garden. It was part of the sad deception that the man and woman who wanted so much to be like God, rather than obtaining the stature of deity, are afraid even to commune with him. And then. That would be what we today would consider a lifetime of experiencing Gods faithfulness and guidance, only to throw it away in a single day! Thanks for your question. How do your children know how to live? 1991 - 2023 Eternal Perspective MinistriesAll Rights Reserved. Conclusion. Your desire to keep us focused on what the Word actually says is to be commended. It means closeness, intimacy, communion. And to the hill of frankincense. Can a whirlwind fulfill those processes? Thanks for your comments. IMV they were walking in the IMAGE for which God created them with the FREE WILL to CHOOSE. Thanks for this article, it was an interesting read. So again, lets not be naive to think that God didnt spend time with them! God told them to be fruitful and multiply. Many people assume that this one verse is symbolic, as . From this view, Adam and Eve were with God in the Garden for a whileand they had the privilege of regularly hanging out with Him. The goal of this post is to encourage people to take a closer look at the Bible instead of repeating what theyve heard. God's presence is also noted by . The reasoning for this conclusion may make more sense in the next post on Cain and Abel. Ive added that to the article now to help clarify that point. But God knew they had eaten the forbidden fruit. ? Hi Robert, Tim, thanks for striking the axe at the root of this human imagined concept. Genesis 3:8, NLT: When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the LORD God walking about in the garden. If strong wind is a better translation, then it would not be saying that God was walking in the garden, but instated that He was moving in the garden. With this particular issue, the reason I addressed it is because I hear it so frequently. We walk with the voice of God as well. Please note that both boys were conceived and born after sin had entered the Earth. But the most beautiful thing of all was that they walked with GOD. But that is not what it says, so Im trying to help people avoid teaching false ideas about Scripture. God appointed angels to guard the way back (Genesis 3:23-24). Based on the sheer number of people who have claimed this, it must be found somewhere in the Bible, right? Adam and Eve's Separation from God . Thank you for reaffirming to me that we can say anything about God and find some reason for or against our reasoning, and that is why we have to be very careful to know what Gods Word says! I dont believe this is a knock-down, drag-out argument, but given these details and many others described in my book, I believe angelic beings are very likely made in Gods image. If they dont walk with him no blessing no rain no food and punishment 7 times more. In other words, man had a physical body made from the ground. This saddens me. But your claim is based on only such a narrow standard. They will live forever, and as well see in the coming chapters, some of them have been given dominion over certain things. Im not making an accusation here, but I do want to help people avoid making this mistake. In Lev 26 god goes into great detail about how they were to walk with god and how god would walk with them ( please dont say ohhh but it doesnt say it) it does say very loudly its deafening. 6398. Even if this translation is accurate, which is debatable, it does not say that they walked with God. Of course, the eternal Son, the Word by whom the Father made all things has always been present at the Father's right hand. If the idea being conveyed by the text is a strong wind then this scene was probably quite similar to the way God spoke to Job, as I mentioned in the article. In all likelihood, it comes from a misunderstanding of or making an inference from Genesis 3:8: And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day (NKJV). Maybe it is implied elsewhere in the Bible? Genesis 2 describes Adam and Eve's first homethe Garden of Eden. Im not sure you have dealt sufficiently with the argument that God must have walked with Adam and Eve in the garden previously for Adam and Eve to know that they sound they heard was God. Adam (perhaps Eve too) was familiar with Gods presence. So they hid from the Lord God among the trees in the garden. Its sort of like saying, The Bible never says Jesus wasnt married, so He might have been. Its true that Scripture never states this plainly, but there are certain inferences people make from some verses in an effort to support such an idea. If youve been impacted by our resources, we invite you to make a year-end gift before December 31. The Lord can speak out of it and He can perform any other functions, such as making coats of skins, while in that form. Regardless, my point is that Adam was familiar enough to recognized it was God. They were placed in the Garden of Eden and given everything they needed: food, work, companionship, and fellowship with God as they walked with him in the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8). Genesis 3:21 comes after Genesis 3:7, in which Adam and Eve ate from the Tree and realized they were naked. Adam tried to put the blame on Eve, and Eve tried to put the blame on the serpent, but God was angry with all three of them! They got to take walks with him, check out the animals, enjoy the beau 5 Bible Verses about God Walking. Possible the sound he heard was uncharacteristically harsh & is why he was afraid. 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.". Then it says that Adam & Eve hid themselves from God's presence and then they confessed that they "heard" His voice and hid themselves from His voice. In the book of Genesis we read that Adam used to walk with the Lord God in the cool of the day. Adam understood what God meant when he was given instructions because God made him with the ability to understand those things. We do see examples of theophanies in the Old Testament where God does appear to people in human form, as He did to Abraham. Thanks for your thoughts on this. There are warnings in Scripture about adding to it. This is just another suposition made by humans who try to understand divinly inspired scripture with a flawed human mind. The Lord could speak from His throne and these actions could be performed just as easily as if He had manifested in the garden to perform the actions. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.". Say, for example, that they werent expelled from the Garden until they were 60+ or 70+ (or older). This walking refers to living a life that pleases God. Hi Nucc, Do you think the lord actually cares if pastors are saying Adam and Eve did walk with God? Adam & Eve had been very naughty and they were hiding from the Lord!! Also, when Adam and Eve were created, I dont believe they were automatically filled with knowledge as how to take care of themselves, the animals, the garden,etc This verse appears immediately after our first parents rebelled against the Creator. It would be far better to use a supporting argument that has a strong biblical basis. As I stated in the post and many times in the comments, I have no trouble believing that they walked with God; I have a problem with people claiming that the Bible says Adam and Eve walked with God, because it doesnt say this. Its not even hard to imagine that Adam and Eve did walk with God prior to the fall. Although I agree, you simply cannot prove this one way or another, however I believe the scripture gives us enough evidence to assume with confadence, that Jesus did take a physical form and did actually, literally walk through the garden. (NASB) Gen. 3:8. This verse appears immediately after our first parents rebelled against the Creator. How do I know? Im sure the water God supplied was for the animals as well as the people. Hi Kevin, I had always taken it for granted too that God walked with Adam in the cool of the day which He very well might haveand Id like to use my imagination and believe that He did but the Bible definitely doesnt say that He did. I would think that they received one on one instruction from God. Or a young stag on the mountains of Bether.". Genesis 3:8-9 . Apparently, you have missed the point of this entire post. Adam and Eve's "murder" was considered by Jesus to be at the "beginning," not the end, of geologic time. Its not like Genesis 5:24 (Enoch walked with God) or Genesis 6:9 (Noah walked with God). I can see that they heard either a sound or a voice. I love my time with Him and when Im not with Him I want to do the right thing by Him, unlike Adam and Eve! Beyond that, the Bible does not tell us about any communication between our first parents and God until after the fall. Theres no definitive proof, but the passages implication seems clear to me. Now we do not see You any more. It doesn't say they viewed God with their eyes. It was always my thought they in fact walked side by side as one would imagine them doing so. why couldnt it have been Jesus walking in the garden. But this goes beyond them, it goes back to Adam and Eve.Adam and Eve had the privilege of being with God, the way that God had intended. There may have been thousands of years, who knows? So when I say, The Bible just doesnt say that some people think Im saying that it didnt and couldnt have happened. Because we are made in Gods image, we are called to image God. If this is how the phrase should be translated, then God was not simply walking through the Garden. Well, Jesus wasn't there with Adam and Eve in the beginning. Here is the verse in its entirety. Required fields are marked *. Thats right, you are right there with them from birth, not that they were made a baby first of course, as that would take other humans to raise them as we know it! So no, I will not take down this post or apologize for it, unless you can actually show me where the Bible says that they did walk with God. I must stand corrected as I also remembered Adam and Eve walking in the cool of the afternoon with God. I would be with this item all day and be close to me at nite. That's why he was walking in the garden: he wanted to meet with Adam and Eve and spend time with them. Then God gave Adam a rule for living in the garden: And the Lord God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.". Maybe this is why pastors and teachers teach it this way (that God regularly walked with Adam and Eve), because they can see from the word study that this was a regular occurrence. 4. (Vs. 24 says He drove them out the he place Cherubims). Gen 3:8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden. Suggestions include that it means we are made as rational creatures that can communicate with and worship God, or that we have been given dominion, or that we will live forever. I dont believe I said anywhere in the post or in the comments that the coats of skin were made from animals, although I certainly believe this is easily the most logical conclusion. We did not know, nor trained ourselves to do that and now see our own child in the consequences. Every description used can also be said about the angelic beings. Hi Mel, Dont you think that Adam and Eve being new and first created that God would have been extremely close to them ? Picture this. But as seasoned believers we need to understand it is better to use our hearts to hear the sermons the pastors preach rather than the details of the text. We know that God is capable of doing this, but my point is that the text never states or implies that He did. "Walked with God" is a favorite expression in Genesis, depicting the righteous conduct of Israel's heroes, including Enoch, Noah, and Abraham. Lastly, as scripture verifies scripture, we see the second Adam, known as Jesus Christ in regular and perpetual contact with the same God and Father. We must know that Eve and Adam's life in the Garden of Eden was beyond happy. While its within the realm of possibility that Adam and Eve were 60+ when expelled from the garden, I find it extremely unlikely. So Adam hears a sound, which he knows is the sound of God. The first consequence of Adam and Eve's momentous decision to reject God's revelation was a . The Man came alivea living soul! It bothered me for the day into right now where I went on the internet to find something credible and I landed here. they heard him rebuke them. Or maybe they read Gods mind. I dont really hear anyone saying, The Bible says Adam and Eve never walked with God in the garden, but if I did, then Id correct that as well. Genesis 3:8 ? Just like when we will be fully glorified in the new age, we shall see God, because we shall be sinless then; Adam couldnt have hid himself from wind alone, there must be an accompanied physical presence that he knew about; When you follow the account of Genesis at that material time, its hard to think that God was just coming through the medium of wind, then why did he create man in the first place, if at all he didnt want the man to see him? We can speculate, contemplate, and imagine probable scenarios by referencing other relationships in the Bible, but in this day and time especially, we must be diligent and aware of the texts true contents. 00:00. Ive heard this, believed this, and repeated this on more than one occasion. Thanks for reading! Thanks for caring about biblical accuracy. God appeared and revealed Himself in many different ways throughout the Old Testament. What does it even mean? In this environment, Adam and Eve had safety, abundant food, meaningful work and fellowship with God. Hi David, When they heard the sound of the Lord God walking about in the garden at the breezy time of the day, the man and his wife hid themselves from the Lord God among the trees of the garden (Gen. 3:8). There are some who says He came in angelic forms throughout the Bible yes He did but thats through another likeness. Adam and eve Adam and eve disobey god hiding footprints The Presence Of God Guilty Fear Hearing God's Voice Garden Of Eden, The Gardens Concealment . And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. Before He came to earth two thousand years ago, Jesus appeared at various times in the Old Testament in a physical form. We read that God planted a garden and placed Adam there to tend it ( Genesis 2:8, 15 ). Of course, since I work in a ministry that emphasizes Genesis 111, Im going to hear it more than most people. #1 Eve "saw" that the tree was good for food. If used in this sense, Adam and Eve did walk with God prior to sin because there was no fracture in their relationship with God. God loved to come and take a walk in the garden in the evenings when the shadows were cool, and the flowers smelled sweet, and when all the animals came out to play. Read lev 25:20 and if you shall say what shall we eat in the 7th year? But thats not at all what is going on here. Seems to me there was plenty of interaction & communication between Adam (& Perhaps Eve) and God. Its one thing to believe that Adam and Eve walked with God and to recognize that its based on some fairly reasonable assumptions. And God created a new animal to be a companion for Adam and Eve. Here are 6 things that you need to know, insights that will help you in your life today, in helping to refine the way you view God. He saw them sew fig leaves together to cover themselves. I believe whenever we read the words The Word of the Lord came to such and such prophet, that means Jesus (who is the Word of God)literally came to that individual as Jesus appeared to John on the Island of Patmos. God then created Eve, "a helper comparable to him" (verse 18). Therefore while at yet there was no temptation, walking with God was natural. I hope this clarifies my objective in the post. I think for me it comes from the song In the Garden, it is a peaceful way to think God is walking with us. Your answer leaves many questions for me though Please explain the remaining context of Gen. 3 in Adams walk with God. He claims that seeing Him is seeing the Father.. then I see no problem with Jesus being the physical manifestation of God walking in . In terms of the theological questions of how God could do this, one answer could be that it is an embodied pre-incarnate Christ, the Angel of the Lord, who is himself the Lord and who appears many times in the Old Testament. No? Jesus is Lord God, He is the Son of God. After creating Adam, God "put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it" (Genesis 2:15). The strong wind or breezy alternative is reflected in the notes of many English Bibles, such as the NASB, NET, and ESV, and it is even the translation of the HCSB. God also brought the animals to Adam so he could name them. Hi Ralph, GOD'S WORD Translation. Surely, He wouldve given them the ability to do that right from the start. I think all conservative Christians would agree that this happened. Maybe He was physically there throughout the short time that they were in the Garden, but I have my doubts., By a plain reading, Genesis 2:7 and 2:22c reasonably are inferred to imply that the place where God formed Adam, and then Eve, was a place some way *outside* of the garden (and this place likely being that of the shore of a river or a sea). However, God did come physically to Abraham and ate. However, I dont see how your final statement about the garden has any relevance. But since God formed (literally squeezed into shape) Adam and breathed into his nostrils and removed one of his ribs and closed up the wound and walked in the garden and spoke to Adam and Eve (and then Cain later on) in a way they could easily understand, the assumption is unavoidable that God was physically there in tangible form. When He asked them why they hid they answered Him. So Adam could eat of every tree except for the . To spend time with Him. But there is so much more to the story. (Posted on October 30, 2014, I have read the account of Creation, Adam and Eve, and the Fall so many times in my lifetime, but I just recently realized that the Bible doesnt say that Adam and Eve walked with God in the Garden. However, most people inevitably mention them walking in the cool of the day, so they arent thinking of it in the figurative sense. Adam and Eve got to literally hang out with God all day long, face to face. God then planted a garden 'eastward in Eden' (2:8), containing both the tree of life and 'the tree of knowledge of good . What do you think?? If so, that means Cain and Abel could have been over 120 years old when Cain killed Abel. Ed, I hope this helps. Regardless of whether you translate the disputed phrase as cool of the day or strong wind, the text still says that God was walking in the cool of the day / wind (of the day). (Genesis 3:8). I think your comments were probably addressing this point though ( He was given power and authority by Father God to create the universe and all life within it. Considering that each year subtracted from Cain and Abels ages at the time of Abels murder could be added to Adam and Eves time in the Garden, its quite possible that Adam and Eve spent many years in the Garden, which would make their sin all that more sorrowful. In the plain reading of Genesis 1-3, we learn that God created the first two people: Adam and Eve. God fashioned Eve out of Adam's rib (Genesis 2:22). And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8).The use of the term walk with reference to God brings up the issue of God communicating to humankind in human language. But that is not what it must have been given dominion over certain things based only! Have had nearly enough animals to Adam so he could name them the sheer number of who. 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