Later, the concept spread to break down the one dimensionality of: Instead, intersectionality aims to explore the intersection of a range of identity factors to explore the compounding effects of identity-based discrimination. Intersectional feminism is a thought-provoking and rewarding theory to teach. The OE does not provide dedicated funding for these resources. She achieved this because she took advantage of the Military Service Act of 1917 which allowed all people who served in the military to vote. How do our different identities intersect, interact, and affect our daily lives. For example, black women face disadvantage based on both race and gender. Highlighting SGM Persons Living with Disabilities, History of Black Scientists: Ruth Ella Moore & James McCune Smith, Honoring "The Dream" Through Acts of Service and Allyship, How the Past Informs Views on Racial Discrimination, How to Utilize Your Equal Employment Opportunity Office, Intersectionality Part One: Intersectionality Defined, Intersectionality Part Three: Intentional Intersectionality, Intersectionality Part Two: The Workplace, Latinx LGBTQ+ Pride: A Conversation with Dr. Erik Rodriquez. The Center for Identity and Inclusion (CII), based in the downtown campus, supports underrepresented students and promotes a diverse and inclusive campus. Athletics Hire Our Students Students should be split into discussion groups of 45. In this post, I want to share with you a foundational activity that has been very effective when introducing students to intersectionality for the first time. In other words, intersectional theory asserts that people are often disadvantaged by multiple sources of oppression: their race, class, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, and other identity markers. They are especially helpful when you have new group members because they can increase group cohesion & camaraderie, and they help group members get to know each other better. Intersectionality is a framework for conceptualizing a person, group of people, or social problem as affected by a number of discriminations and disadvantages. Go here to get the curriculum without updates. My favorite example to use is the celebration of female CEOs in our postfeminist culture. A scholar of law, critical race theory, and Black feminist thought, Crenshaw used intersectionality to explain the experiences of Black women who - because of the intersections of race, gender, and . Thinking intersectionally can help us identifysubtle dynamicsthat disadvantage some students and advantage others unjustly. Learning & Skill Development Opportunities, Progress on 8 Promises to BIPOC Members of our Community, Report incidents of Bias, Discrimination & Harassment. You may have heard after the Womens March that many trans folks and allies felt uncomfortable with the vagina-centric themes of the march. When we say it has been appropriated, we are referring to the fact that when this term first came out, folks. Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Toward a field of intersectionality studies: Theory, applications, and praxis. As black feminist scholar bell hooks argues, intersectionality challenged the notion that gender was the primary factor determining a womans fate. It's not simply that there's a race problem here, a gender problem here, and a class or LBGTQ problem there. Carbado, D., Crenshaw, K., Mays, V., & Tomlinson, B. Helena is an intersectional feminist scholar-activist living and writing in Sydney, Australia. Intersectionality is a framework for conceptualizing a person, group of people, or social problem as affected by a number of discriminations and disadvantages. All rights reserved. Do you want to submit a guest blog? Alternatively, you can find real-world examples to use as cases. refers to the interplayofonesidentities, the status ofthoseidentities, and the situational context ofhow, when, and wherethose identitiesshow up and influence personal experience(s) within multiple dimensions of societal oppression. When identity factors overlap, there is a compounding effect that can cause compounded disadvantage or advantage. The defendants argued that they were experiencing the additive effects of both racial and gender discrimination in workplace hiring practices. (2008). Madam C.J Walker was a black woman who was a successful entrepreneur at a time when women and people of color were widely and overtly oppressed by American laws and society. Kimberl Crenshaw, law professor and social theorist, first coined the term intersectionality in her 1989 paper Demarginalizing The Intersection Of Race And Sex: A Black Feminist Critique Of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory And Antiracist Politics. The theory emerged two decades earlier, however, when black feminists began to speak out about the white, middle-class nature of the mainstream feminist movement. Legal scholar Kimberl Crenshaw's influential concept of intersectionality, in brief, recognizes that each person carries a number of identifications that shape their social experience of oppression or marginalization, and that policies and laws are inadequately designed to uphold the rights of people who have multiple oppression. Consultation services are available to all UConn faculty at all campuses at no charge. It enlightens us to health disparities among women of color, provides pathways for our youth leaders to understand identity, and is crucial to the advocacy work we support. eing black AND being a woman do not operate independently; insteadthe interactions between the two identities frequently reinforce each other and shape her experience within an inequitable system. These aspects of our lives make up our identities and shape how we perceive the world, and in return, how the world perceives us as individuals. At the end of the post, youll have the option to sign up for my newsletter and receive a copy of my lecture slides with all the principles, activity templates, and extra disclaimers to adapt and use in your classes. Undergraduate Admissions By doing so, we can begin to institute change in a meaningful and long-lasting way that is social justice oriented and people-centered. PBS, Social Justice Toolbox - Classroom Activities on the topic of Intersectionality, Resources prepared for instructors by discipline to refer their students to in preparation for a visit by Kimberl, "The Social Identity Wheel worksheet is an activity that encourages students to identify and reflect on the various ways they identify socially, how those identities become visible or more keenly felt at different times, and how those identities impact the ways others perceive or treat them. Intersectional theory allows us to explore how discrimination has a compounding effect. Assuming that all women have vaginas or are defined by their bodies is an oversimplification that erases the experiences of those who exist beyond the gender binary. woman and black) do not exist independently of each other, and that each informs the others, often creating a complex convergence of oppression. ), in Britain, there is also growing concern about working-class white boys performance at schools, which is among the worst performance of all social groups. Crenshaws legal theory has influenced many disciplines and organizations, including institutions of higher education. List of icebreaker games, activities & ideas. The CII core values include community, social justice, learning, resilience, and leadership. Social class. The Office of Inclusion and Outreach (OIO) provides sustained, comprehensive programs across all educational levels to promote access and increase numbers of underrepresented populations in healthcare, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and research professions. Though law professor and activist, Kimberl Crenshaw first introduced the term in 1989 (in her article Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex), as Mecca Jamilah Sullivan explains, Black women writers have been narrating, speaking, and singing from the intersection since long before 1989.. We're going to be giving away stickers, books, and other super-secret prizes to a lucky person who guesses correctly. Some of my students tell me the independent reflective activity is the first time theyve truly recognized that they had privileges, often having focused solely on the one disadvantage they have carried through their lives. Intersectionality is a tool that allows us to think about systemic oppression in a broad context and emphasizes individual's experiences in an effort to understand privilege and power. In the introduction these women state that The synthesis of these oppressions creates the conditions of our lives. Warner, & Brown. Icebreakers are often a great way to start off group. At the end of the group discussions, the notes they have written on their poster sheets can be pinned up around the room. 2022The Regents of the University of Colorado, a body corporate. The judges believed that because black men had jobs and white women had jobs with their respective employers, then the employers could not discriminate against black women. What is Intersectionality - Kimberle Crenshaw. Nash, J. Visibly disabled people often find it difficult for society to see them as anything other than their disability. Reasonable Accommodation Request Denied? People who are black have historically faced discrimination due to the color of their skin. Calendar To learn more about YW Bostons intersectional work, please sign up for our newsletter: Demarginalizing The Intersection Of Race And Sex: A Black Feminist Critique Of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory And Antiracist Politics.. Subordinate Harassment Against A Supervisor, Success Always Leave Footprints - Black History Month 2018, The Arduousness in Proving Age Discrimination, The Fundamental Importance of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data, The Legacy of Joe Medicine Crow Dies at 102, The State of Childcare and Working Families, Top 10 STEM Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tragedy and the Workplace Part 1 What Can Organizations Do, Tragedy and the Workplace Part 2 What Can Employees Do, U.S. Mint Unveils Gold Coin featuring a Black Woman as Lady Liberty, Understanding Racial Terms and Differences, Virtual Hiring Managers Guide Blog Series: Section One Direct Hire Authority, Virtual Hiring Managers Guide Blog Series: Section One Schedule A Hiring, Virtual Hiring Managers Guide Blog Series: Section One Veterans Preference. Black women, who often had to work in order to keep their family afloat and therefore did not have the luxury of being homemakers, did not feel as though these issues pertained to their experiences. Yet it remains a difficult, misunderstood, and sometimes controversial concept. 1. Black women, faced with multiple forms of oppression, only make $0.64. Cooper, B. The next, "Muslim Feminism," will be on Dec. 6. We cite peer reviewed academic articles wherever possible and reference our sources at the end of our articles. Legal scholar Kimberl Crenshaws influential concept of intersectionality, in brief, recognizes that each person carries a number of identifications that shape their social experience of oppression or marginalization, and that policies and laws are inadequately designed to uphold the rights of people who have multiple oppression. Careers at Mines ", Lowe Columbia College, Speech 114 course, "a questionnaire or survey that's kind of like a 'personality quiz. Mike Robbins explains this using the Authenticity Equation: Honesty - Self-Righteousness + Vulnerability = Authenticity (Robbins, 2018). Graduate Student Government Happy Lunar New Year Its the Year of the Ox! Without linking identities to systems of power, some students could easily walk away from the subject with the notion that intersectionality is simply a navel-gazing exercise. Interestingly, were we to change just one identity marker of the WASP, a new stereotype emerges. This stereotype is unsupported by any data, and yet it is a trope rolled out during times of moral panic stirred up by media or ideologues. It is important to understand that intersectionality has become appropriated over the past few years since Kimberl Crenshaw first debuted the concept. It gives students a framework and vocabulary to identify their intersecting privileges and oppressions. In my first lecture, I also set the expectation to students that they should be prepared to learn, be challenged, and grow. Summary: Kimberl Crenshaw, a 2017 NAIS People of Color Conference speaker, civil rights advocate, and professor at UCLA School of Law and Columbia Law School, talks about intersectional theory, the study of how overlapping or intersecting social identitiesand particularly minority identities . Why Are We Honoring Coretta Scott King on MLK Day? At the end of the semester, I bring the consideration of interlocking systems of power back to the students identities and prompts them to cut a path for action: Write a journal entry of how your work and/or life have been shaped by the imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy (or its permutations across cultures), and the effects this had on you, the organization, and society at large. Javascript is disabled in your web browser. Required fields are marked *, This Article was Last Expert Reviewed on December 22, 2022 by Chris Drew, PhD. Crenshaw, K. (1991). Dr. Kimberl Crenshaw popularized the term through her decades of scholarly work on the . Intersectionality: Mapping the Movements of a Theory by Devon W. Carbado, Kimberl Crenshaw, Vickie M. Mays, Barbara Tomlinson Kimberl Crenshaw on Intersectionality: An Interview There is No Hierarchy of Oppression by Audre Lorde Social Inequality, Power, and Politics: Intersectionality and American Pragmatism in Dialogue by Patricia Hill Collins Asian American and Pacific Islander Stereotypes, Asian American and Pacific Islanders and Cancer, Building Renewing and Strengthening Existing Relationships: 8 Tips for Fostering a Safe Workplace for SGM Co-Workers, Discover and Connect with Your Peers Through Employee Resource Groups, Dr. Martin Luther Kings Impact on the Field of Science, EDI Director: EDI Observes Womens History Month, EDI Honors 2015 Champions for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Educating Managers: 10 Interpersonal Skills to Prevent Retaliation, Educating Managers: Keys to Success in Alternative Dispute Resolution/Mediation Process, Embracing Who We Are Reflections of an Asian-American Child of Deaf Adults, Enhancing Possibility Through Accessibility. Each group will randomly receive one of the cases. Some of us have little experience with social justice, but seek a better understanding of inequity in Greater Boston. Madam Walker produced a range of cosmetics that were specifically made for black women. 812 20th Street NW Stereotypes about Asian women often sit at the intersection of racism against Asians and sexism against women. Mines Magazine Signs: Journal of women in culture and society, 38(4), 785-810. Undergraduate Student Government, Arthur Lakes Library Families highlight that, for decades, there have been insufficient police investigations. People who are gay have similarly faced discrimination due to their sexuality. Theres nothing new about defenders of the status quo criticizing those who are demanding that injustices be addressed. Collins, P. H., & Bilge, S. (2020). Words Matter: Chilling Effect of Retaliation, You believe you have experienced sexual harassment. This has led to a significant amount of research into why they are the lowest performing ethnic group in Britains education system. Keeping this in mind, we can begin to think critically and strategically about how systems intersect and create compounding effects on an individual. Further, the OE does not provide any funding to the organizations, programs, and resources identified herein and/or through links. How do you explain what it means today? Stella looks through her companys new diversity report and is troubled to find that a photograph of her features four times in the 6-page document. The framework of intersectionality reminds us that we should bring our whole and authentic selves to work in order to perform our best and foster a collaborative environment with our colleagues (see Part 3). Common examples of intersectionality include studies that explore the intersection of race and gender stereotypes, which heavily affects black women, and disability and sexuality, to explore how disabled people tend not to be seen as having sexual desires. However, the overarching hierarchy of power and privilege that have set-up an inequitable system is what Kimberl was describing. Crenshaw built her scholarship on the work of previous Black feminist and Lesbian scholarsmost notably the Combahee River Collective. This activity helps participant investigate privilege by inviting them to identify what privileges they find personally important. To enhance diversity, the University strives to recognize underrepresented groups in the areas of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, veteran status, and ability status. The idea behind the principled space recognizes that its not ever truly possible to guarantee a safe space and thus in its place, we can at least commit to adhering to a set of agreed principles. Similarly, working-class gay men might face discrimination due to both their social class and sexual identity. Doi: Vol.10(2), pp.303-312. . Identity Signs This activity focuses on what are our salient identities in particular circumstances. Crenshaw, K. (1989). It also helps young people to recognize the full humanity of marginalized people, especially, Read More 5 Foundational Practices for Teaching Social Justice in the ClassroomContinue, Using Restorative Justice in the Classroom to Address Harm, A White Mans World: What WOC Should Know Before Doing A PhD, 5 Foundational Practices for Teaching Social Justice in the Classroom, Introducing Intersectional Feminism: An Activity, ground-clearing practice that sets a leveled foundation upon which to build our work and relations, Building the Anti-Racist Classroom (BARC), Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: A black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory, and antiracist politics, Feminist originalism: Intersectionality and the politics of reading, 5 Must-Read Intersectional Feminist Books for Beginners. Women werent fully given the vote at a federal level until 1918, and Indigenous people until 1960. Choo, H. Y., & Ferree, M. M. (2010). Register: https://www.eventbrite . For instance, a black man and a white woman make $0.74 and $0.78 to a white mans dollar, respectively. How would you describe the different facets of your identity? Some of us have experienced racial discrimination personally, perhaps through generations of our family. As a result, black gay peoples experiences can be marginalized and not truly understood by health and social care professionals. About The Helpful Professor Allow each group to share their case with the rest of the class and present the highlights of their analysis. This can render other aspects of their identity invisible. Intersectionality. Crenshaw, K. W. (2017). No prob. Historically, boys have been over-diagnosed with ADHD and girls have been under-diagnosed. Just as many disciplines now require a positionality statement in published research, instructors may consider reflecting on their teaching positionality. It opened up new lines of inquiry that critiqued feminisms overemphasis on the experiences of white middle-class women. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. The information here provides abasicoverview of important considerations related to IntersectionalityIt is crucial that you continue expanding upon this knowledge and look further into the concepts presented that you are unfamiliar with and/or are curious about. Well before the term intersectionality was coined, we could still see examples of intersectional activism in the real world. However, the overarching hierarchy of power and privilege that have set-up an inequitable system is what Kimberl was describing. A Queer and Pleasant Danger: The true story of a nice Jewish boy who joins the Church of Scientology, and leaves twelve years later to become the lovely lady she is today. 1. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Intersectional feminism is an intellectual and political movement that identifies and challenges the ways interlocking systems of gender, sexual, racial, colonial, class, and dis/ability oppression impact social life. Because of the way we have been socialized to continue feeding systems of oppression, we often feel it is rude to formally recognize others difference. Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. Ready to jump in? Listen to women share their thoughts on intersectionality here and here. By continuing without changing your cookie settings, you agree to this collection. Colorado School of Mines In 2013, The Oxford Dictionary of Social Work and Social Care broadened Crenshaws conceptualization of the term, defining it as the combined effects of one's multiple identities, which includes identities such as race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and employee status. As one of the few people of color at her organization, she feels her image was exploited in corporate branding to help her company look more diverse than it really is. She developed the concept of intersectionality in order to address the problems created when we treat race and gender as mutually exclusive. Crenshaw claimed that a persons race, gender, and sexuality all intersectedand the discrimination an individual faced was often more complex and profound than any single part of their identity (such as race or gender) could explain. The New Press.Nash, J. C. (2008). Do you have a story idea for us? Intersectionality. Do not expect people who face different systems of oppression than you to rally for causes you care about if you do not rally for theirs. For more information, please see our University Websites Privacy Notice. Doi: Scholars today use intersectionality to understand the differences between the experiences of diverse groups in higher education and the workforce. The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ODEI)offers services, resources, and guidance to enhance diversity university-wide and foster a culture of equity and inclusion, The Office of Inclusion and Outreach (OIO). Published by African American Policy Forum. White, The Atlantic, 2015. Harassment in the Workplace: What Should You Do? So, her products subverted the norm and was designed directly for women of color. Interviewer (Katy Steinmetz): "You introducedintersectionalitymore than 30 years ago. This intersectional experience of facing racism in the feminist movement and sexism in civil rights encouraged black women to call for a feminist practice that centralized their lived experiences. Whats often missing is how some people are subject to all of these, and the experience is not just the sum of its parts.". Diversity of all kinds matter in your workplace, your activism, your community spaces, and more. My overarching aim is to inspire my students to become critically reflexive lifelong learners who aspire to social transformation. If you feel comfortable, share your stories with others as well. We must recognize that all unique experiences of identity, and particularly ones that involve multiple overlapping oppressions, are valid. We get it. Small habits such as these can help shift your perspective to view your procedures and decisions through a diversity lens, and work toward mitigating personal and organizational biases. In that field of possibility we have the opportunity to labor for freedom, to demand of ourselves and our comrades, an openness of mind and heart that allows us to face reality even as we collectively imagine ways to move beyond boundaries, to transgress. Many black women found it difficult to identify with the issues of the mainstream (white) feminist movement, issues such as the pressure to be a homemaker. Earlier this week, we explored the dimensions of power and examined how they inform work and society. team ice breaker games; So, here is the list! 888-446-9489, Alumni and Friends Ive used more serious academic videos about intersectionality theory in the past but they did leave some students even more confused. The CII core values include community, social justice, learning, resilience, and leadership. Examples of Intersectionality. For clarification on your employee status, consult the. The very first week of every school term is where I establish the rules of engagement and set firm expectations with my students about my subject. By engaging in this activity, workshop participants will be equipped to use the activity themselves. The resources provided here serve as astarting pointto lead you in a direction to continue your personal education. Many times that framework erases what happens to people who are subject to all of these things. provides sustained, comprehensive programs across all educational levels to promote access and increase numbers of underrepresented populations in healthcare, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and research professions. When a group does not know each other well, it may be difficult for people to start talking. Helena loves good food, travel, and time alone. We encourage all members to seek ways to incorporate inclusive practices into their branches and daily life. Example, black gay peoples experiences can be marginalized and not truly by! The conditions of our lives randomly receive one of the Helpful Professor Allow each to... Are marked *, this Article was Last Expert reviewed on December 22 2022... Female CEOs in our postfeminist culture and sexual identity values include community, social justice,,! 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