The gift would have little significance unless they knew the story behind it. It was wrong what we did. Duncan shook his head slowly. Billy tried to get back into the fray but Jeremy managed to snag his ankle, dropping him back on the ground. Jason reached for him but Josh evaded the effort. Hey, Red. Nearly a full head shorter than his partner, Billy reached up to slap his shoulder. The red-heads ax bit into the cedar with unusual vigor. You know, therere plenty of men around here you could hire to do that. I should have known better than to ever think hed give a fair deal to a Bolt.. Find him on Twitter at @pdforan. This woman meant nothing to him. Aaron regarded the leather-bound book with suspicion. And did he only make it because he knew this was Stempels mother writing? The last of his fury swept away in the wave of her sincere affection. Chapter 1 - Revelations. Jeremy hoped Jason knew convincing the other two wouldnt be nearly as easy. Giving Aaron a hard shove, Josh stalked across to his room. Without drinking he pressed the cool glass against his brow. He would have knownhis father would have told him But the words, written in a strong hand, taunted him with their reality. That Im half-Indian? True courage was facing what you feared and persevering in spite of it. Here Come the Brides Episode aired Sep 25, 1968 1 h IMDb RATING 7.9 /10 51 YOUR RATING Rate Adventure Comedy Western After making a deal with Seattle's Mill owner, lumberjack brothers Jason, Joshua, and Jeremy Bolt got to New Bedford, Massachusetts to bring back 100 brides for the men in the town. Aaron resisted the urge to squirm under that bright, sincere gaze. When their lips parted, she continued, You were saying you were mad at your father?, The journal said Stempel confronted him not long before Momma died. Many years ago, goaded by a few too many drinks and an incautious remark or two, theyd had a chopping contest. Not now. Oh, thered been lots of times hed badly wanted to plant his fist in the middle of the mans smirking grin. A Different Horizon Part One November 1871 by Helene (This story first appeared in the gen HCTB anthology zine, Dreams to Last the Years, which I published in February 2004. If you had a sister that no one had told you about, would you want to know about her?, She shifted, her alert eyes taking in every nuance of his expression. What could be more perfect than that. My first thought was "Jason and Biddie on an errand and an accident occurs ." All of our lumber will have to be shipped to Everett?, But the rest of the terms will be exactly as stated before?, Jason reached out to draw his brothers closer. Oh, no. Stempel hates us!, No, he doesnt, Josh. Jason halted his march when he saw Jeremys approach. Set in Seattle in the 1870s, the main storyline focused on a family of loggers in the new West who had to bring in 100 women potential brides for their male crewmembers. It's the even that everyone has been waiting for; Jeremy and Candy's wedding! Muscles taut, Jason jerked upright in his bed. She never made it back to her tribe.. Aaron couldnt deny hed enjoyed the evening of gentle gossip and good brandy. He softened his voice at Jeremys wince. So silent, Josh could hear both of them breathing in a syncopated rhythm. A tall, well-built man stood outside the open door. His house offered peace and quiet while at Lotties there were bound to be Bolts. It would only take one and their dirty laundry would be aired all over town. So you told him about your mothers death in the most spiteful way you could, didnt you, Aaron? But they hadnt known and now they had few things they could say, this was my fathers. Keefe - best man. Not because they werent true, but because they were too true for his own comfort. Only with his brothers or for his brothers had he ever been able to stand strong against the man. Josh felt a slight flush of superiority. Joshua isnt quite sure of what to make of his baby brother. But I have to talk to someone, let this poison inside me out. But mixed in the relief is bitter disappointment. A hand slap from Jeremy sent him on his lonely path. Too broad to be any of the brothers, he wondered who it could be. Wearing one of his big-city suits, Stempel might be freshly shaved and neatly groomed but he didnt look much improved over the way he had right after the beating. Afternoon, Aaron, Jason greeted, his voice unusually soft, almost gentle. From bitter experience, he knew what came next. It was an undersea adventure that apparently filmed in Hawaii. I didnt let you in my house so you could make fun of me. We have talked about the name our child will called now. Why dont you just say the real reason?, Thompson settled himself deeper in Aarons chair. What are you doing just standing there?, Putting his feet in motion again, he walked over to lean on the porch rail. Immediately, Candy detached herself and hurried to Jeremys side. Sorry, Lottie.. Aaron turned enough so their momentum crashed them into the wall instead of the ground. One thing that no one had ever questioned was his courage. Thanks, but I think this is something I have to work out for myself. He let Jason reel him in for a quick hug and whack on the back. I thought maybe it would help if we talked about it together., Well, theres nothing to talk about. Josh clenched his hands around the shaft of the ax to stop their shaking. He wouldnt be swayed by any mans opinion of him. Nothing you said will ever be heard by another soul., I never thought otherwise, He leaned forward to press a kiss to her forehead. Get help! Jeremy yelled at Candy as he plunged into the melee, hardly taking note of the combatants. Oh, God, why did it have to be him? The suspense is killing us, Jason replied with a slight grin. Or if he did, he didnt chose to comment on it. This isnt easy., I know. Well have to depend on you. Twisting, Josh propped his elbow on the chair back. I dont think you want him to do either., Cupping his chin, he leaned his elbow onto the table. Why dont you come in?, Fluttering her eyelashes at him, she threw him bright grin. Aaron remained silent but his frown and sidelong glance told Jason the whole story. You will treat with Aaron Stempel with the dignity every human being deserves and the respect hes earned. How old am I? The questions slipped out against his will. It would only upset them. All that anger can be a very heavy burden. Duncan pulled himself upright. Viciously he slung a stone off the edge of the cliff. With a wink at Uncle Duncan and a solemn nod to Aaron, Jason continued on his journey. He flattened his hands on the table. Itll all work out for the best, Aaron, youll see.. But if Aaron was nothing else, he was a savvy businessman. and 3) Why does Jeremy seem so different from his brothers? He wanted only to get home and relax with a good meal but he had an errand to complete before he could. I know what a parent is. Thoughts of her and the child have torn at me since I set foot on this land again. Everything hed believed about his father, his mother, even what hed believed about himself now lay in shambles around his feet. Stempel seemed as dead set against it as Joshua. He swallowed hard before he could continue. Quite a surprise. Youve been acting like youre walking on hot coals all day., Jason took a deep fortifying breath. You are beautiful. Lottie adjusted the flow of Candys wedding dress as she mounted the steps. Josh could detect no hint of I told you so in Jeremys tone. My wife! No! Closing his eyes, Jason shook his head slowly. How much I love him? Ive had enough of that today. He started to get to his feet but he was just unsteady enough that she easily forced him back down. Good story! Nothing! death was tragic, but it happened long before you were born. Then to have it blow up in his face would only have reinforced the mans tendency to be a porcupine. And he didnt want to, especially not tonight. Jason couldnt contain his gasp. Having made his declaration of intent, Joshua seemed to have made progress on accepting Aaron. Im sorry that men who worked for me tried to beat you up because of something they overheard my brothers talking about. I dont need you watchin over me, Bolt. Aaron shook himself loose. For an instant he thought to deny the charge of having Indian blood. A few monthscleared up things in Tucsonthen George diedI ended up in Seattle.. Will anyone die? I know. He would be her knight and protector and anything else she needed him to be. Hed thought hed known his father so well. To think of that man walking around town as if he owns it and he aint even totally human!, Ive heard some rumors, Red, George smirked. Oh, no, he moaned to himself. I know it goes against your nature, but take things slow. Hes hardly talking to us. It just hadnt happened. All right, everyone, Jason windmilled his arms at the crowd. She used our fathers name in her diary. Even if it caused the loss of the contract for Seattle, some people just deserved a fat lip. Your father saw to that.. Jonathan cared about Madeline but at the time he first left for America, they were nae in love., After years together, their deep respect for each other turned into an equally deep love. And hes always been nice to her; well, as nice as he ever is to anyone.. No sense wasting the morning., Thats right, Bolt. Thompson walked around his table. The unwavering love Joshua had taken for granted seemed to have been entirely missing from Stempels childhood. Jason agreed with a silent nod. No! Driving in, he hit the shortest fighter around the hips, tumbling both of them to the ground. He squinted, trying to imagine Aaron Stempel as a baby. Aye. I still had my shirt on, he protested. And he still wasnt sure which fork he should take down this road. You wouldnt?, Oh, no, indeedy, we wouldnt dream of it., Well Aarons attempted smile more closely resembled a snarl. I rather enjoyed the view.. Ever since the party began, Aaron had been acting most peculiar. You know, if you keep this full, youll be tripping over the drunks before the night is over., Jason, she tittered. Is it true, Aaron? Lottie asked in a hushed voice as she bathed the blood from his hand. Could Jason have planned all this? I think perhaps he was writing them for you lads. It can nae be taken back now., No, he agreed with sadness. Bolt, Aaron returned his greeting. But he found his quest was in vain for Aaron was already crossing the floor with a determined stride. Aaron had made him work hard to get that win. The only thing he was concerned about was the scandal I might cause. Even Jason looked a little pained by his intrusion. Only grabbing onto the rainspout kept him on his feet. His father had denied him. If he really doubted me, maybe I could understand. I hate the idea too, but, Oh, but it did, a gentle baritone voice intruded. Im just as confused as you are. Makes your blood curdle to have to claim me as family, doesnt it?, Its not true, Joshua denied hotly. Never! There was no way they would ever be one big happy family. And I knew he wouldnt let me down., How can you say that? He closed his eyes at the feelings those fingers induced, the deep craving they elicited. You think hes still mad?, Who knows? Palms against the back of his chair, Jason leaned heavily forward. Get that long look off your face. I dont remember it like that.. Jason checked on the whereabouts of both of his brothers. A little bruised but fine., Thank goodness. She plopped a quick kiss on his cheek. His anger flared, threatening to consume him and everyone around him. But he didnt seek that thrill out the way Jason seemed to. And scared things run or fight. Always acting like hes our better when he aint nothing but a damned injun.. He began to understand a little of what lie behind Aarons hostility. That Stempels part injun?, Didnt sound like they was making it up. I love to watch the smile on Jons face when he feels you move. Too early for those seeking dinner, the saloon was nearly empty. He needed someone to talk to who had no stake in the outcome, who had the best interests of all the participants at heart. Time to go home.. Would he never be free of that man? Jason dug hungrily into the food. God, I feel guilty for being born. Because Im the one who just found out. Jason Bolt intoned behind him. He loved your mother- Jason stood more slowly, reaching out to placate his friends anger. That its Aaron Stempel., God, Jason, how many times has he cheated us? Josh tried to make his brother see sense. He is so young, yet he knows something is terribly wrong. Finally his trembling legs and overworked lungs forced him to a halt. Just hold still and let me get this bleeding stopped. Aaron? Lottie turned startled eyes to Stempel. As much as he hated to admit it, Aaron Stempel intimidated the hell out of him. A shiver coursed down his spine. A third fork was open to him now. He could have been hatched on a hot rock for all hes ever told anyone. A little, he admitted. He recalled how tenderly Father had cared for their mother in her final weeks. Good. Jason slapped him on the shoulder. At times it seemed like his lifes goal has been to destroy the Bolt brothers., I do nae try to excuse his actions, but I think you see now that he had reason to be hostile to the Bolts.. Most of the remaining guests stumbled around the room in varying degrees of drunkenness. His younger brother raised his hands in apology. Josh shrugged, not taking his eyes off the axhead. Two long strides took him inside the office. Ive got something I want to talk to you two about. The man whos tried to destroy everything our father worked to give us. Jason had been partially right about that; Bridal Veil was only a tangible symbol of all he wanted to achieve. He wondered what kind of scene he would find there. Good morning, Mr. Stempel.. He knew bird-dogging Aaron all night would only stoke the mans ire, but he couldnt dismiss the feeling that Aarons fuse was burning and the explosion would happen tonight. It seems Mr. Bolt here sent a series of telegrams to my office. The two men were close to the same age and size. B-b-but its g-g-gonna take some g-g-g-getting used to.. I'd love to see your story posted. When your father died you werent old enough to be let out of camp on your own. Looks like Red, Billy and George were trying to beat up Stempel. How much longer can you keep fighting alone, Aaron? The name of his mothers tribe captured his attention as he turned pages. One thing he knew for sure, the damned curly hair he hated so much had to come from the Bolt side. I dont like that he lied then but I can understand., For three years after Momma died, he still kept the secret. Of all the things hed never thought hed feel, sympathy for Aaron Stempel was high on the list. Aaron was finally starting to open up and Joshuas presence could cause him to roll back up in his protective ball. The diary opened again before he knew he intended to continue reading. Alone, hed made something of his life. Im offering you a simple invitation to dinner. He might hide the truth, give it various shadings, use the truth as a weapon, but he rarely told an outright lie. It wasnt possible that Abigail Stempel - as fair and white-blond as Julie - and Jonathan Bolt - with tawny brown hair and eyes the same blue as Jasons - could have produced a child with Aarons black hair, olive skin and brown eyes. His head lolled to the side as a heavy body straddled the chair next to him. And his family in Scotland compounded the error. Jason laid a hand on both of his brothers shoulders. If you feel you can not do that, transportation can be arranged back to your fort., Is that an ultimatum, Mr. Bolt? Thompson sneered. Jason treated him as an equal, always had. Her career spans over thirty years of television, films and theatre. Im just so excited I feel like Im gonna bust right out of this new suit., Jason let out a burst of laughter. Yeah, I should. But Jason looked as if he dreaded it more than hed ever dreaded anything in his life. Or thirty-five years ago, when you stole my father and killed my mother? Satisfaction filled him when the old man flinched. ! Josh gasped. Bolt, Miss Pruitt, Stempel barely acknowledged them. The old bitter resentment burned the back of his throat as two of the Bolt brothers rode by without noticing him. Standing just inside the doorway, he beamed at the crowd. Tears streaked down her cheeks, but he could hear no hesitation or regret as she repeated her vows to him. Aarons our half-brother., Jeremy approached them warily. We thought it best at the time, Duncan scowled. Joshua had always felt safe and secure in his fathers love. Josh coughed to clear his throat of the huskiness he knew would be there. I need to see that you want this as much as I do. And he was not a man who took being thwarted well.. Fine. He sighed, not having the strength to continue the battle. And now that youve found out hes our brother, will you ever turn to us again?, Everyone looks up to you. Another spate of knocks sounded before he felt steady on his feet again. You have your mothers defiance. The strategy had seen him though more than one encounter like this in his youth. And what could the Bolt family gain by continuing to keep Aaron on the outside? I'm thrilled that you liked the writing if not the concept. Ive never been very fond of solitary meals.. Aaron countered as best he could with the extensive knowledge hed worked years to obtain. A roof over my head, thats all I got. Jason, Joshua and Ken dragged the rest of the combatants apart. He wasnt defeated yet but he needed time to regroup. Told him Id never laid eyes on his mother. But he was engaged to our m-m-mother at the time., Aye. Pouring himself a cup, he frowned at the visible ripples in what should have been the smooth surface of the liquid. In the resounding echo Jason heard the lock slam home. Hes getting married next month to Candy. They are lying together on our bed at this moment. But the thought of losing any of the mountain, Aaron reached over and slapped the back of Jasons curly head. Mr. Do you know what a bride is? Miss Clark asked Earnest. Practically shouted it in the middle of the camp. Some days Id give anything to hear his voice again. Fine, fine, just the men I wanted to talk to. I said we need a family vote.. Hed stayed up much too late talking to Candy. Here Come the Brides; Relationships: Jason Bolt/Aaron Stempel; Jeremy Bolt/Candy Pruitt; Characters: Jason Bolt; Lottie Hatfield; Biddie Cloom; Joshua Bolt (Here Come the Brides) Jeremy Bolt (Here Come the Brides) Aaron Stempel; Language: English Stats: Published: 2022-12-23 Updated: 2023-01-10 Words: 4984 Chapters: 13/21 Kudos: 1 Hits: 34 You cant just stop being Jason Bolt. The series which Robert Brown did after Brides was a syndicated series named Primus, which ran for one season 1971-1972. I never knew you felt like that., What could you have done? Damn it all! Astonishingly a few days later, Wainwright appeared at the Bolt cabin, money in hand and cursing Aaron Stempel. I dont need to know. After handing out the full glasses, Josh settled himself in a chair on the other side of Aaron. I wanted him to take responsibility for what he did to my mother., And what was that, Aaron? I just have to talk to him.. Aaron probably wouldnt have liked the analogy but it resonated with Jason. Colonel Thompson swept Lottie out onto the dance floor just as Jason got within earshot. His princess who saw beyond his shyness and stutter to the man he wanted to be inside. He stared fiercely into Jasons eyes, looking for what Jason didnt know. Turns your stomach, doesnt it?. Will the revelations from an old journal tear the town of Seattle apart? With a little effort, Jeremy wiggled the top free. Lottie grasped Aarons clenched fist with both of her hands. Oh, I enjoy rubbing his fur the wrong way. Why dont you let me be the judge of that? She shouldered him aside and walked in his house. He picked self-consciously at the bark beneath his hand. Im used to sharing all my secrets with Maddie. His brother Aaron. Can you tell me something, Uncle?, A hint of wariness narrowed Duncans eyes. Here Come the Brides is an American comedy Western series from Screen Gems that aired on the ABC television network from September 25, 1968 to April 3, 1970. Think thats really true? Lied to us? I dont know how Ill go about bringing them together.. Choices was always a favorite of mine! Cmon, Red, Stempel snarled. Or would they have treated him as they did me? No wonderhow long after, A dark flush rising up from his collar, Stempel cleared his throat roughly. Not only had he been on his own at a young age, hed lost someone hed loved. Youre the ones who agreed to bet the mountain and you all agreed to the rules.. Sighing in frustration, Jason could see no choice but do what the man said. Not Jason - that man pounded, he never just knocked. Well, he could have hoped that Thompson would have given them some indication of what his decision would be, but the colonel was exceptionally closed-mouth. Thats the one thing I really cant understand. For two days and two nights, Jonathan Bolts journals lay on the mantel of Aarons fireplace untouched. Despite his recently aroused sympathy for the man a flare of anger tinged his voice. 1. Jason breathed a great sigh of relief. Could this possibly be about the contract? Where is he? He deserved to be acknowledged as such. How could he deny it now? She has a bit of an infatuation with him, you know. Trying to locate him, Jason glanced back into Lotties. But to be able to - if not talk to the boy - then to hear of him regularly, I would give most anything I own. It does nae look like now is a good time to push him. He shuddered. Titillating., Im glad you find my lineage of interest., Did I hear correctly? Colonel Thompsons cold voice came from over Jasons shoulder. Maybe finding out they had a previously unknown half-brother wouldnt hurt so badly if it hadnt been Aaron Stempel. What a man became wasnt just determined by the blood in his veins, but by his experiences and the way he was raised. Twenty years of his fathers life, contained in ten worn leather-bound books, was stacked beside him. Jason decided it was time to put him out of his misery. Hed hated seeing the disappointment on Jasons face. It hurt to think his father had loved another woman enough to consider leaving his mother, even if they were not yet married. Evening, Aaron, he shouted as he approached the man. Jason winced at her choice of words, but Aaron didnt seem to notice. Whens my birthday? You cant change how people believe and feel overnight., But I need to do something, his voice rose. When they got to the street he realized Aaron wasnt immediately behind them. Im not sure if I should encourage a friendship between these two sons of mine. I do have another story I was planning to post, I just haven't had the time to do it. Our father would never have made a baby with another woman when he was engaged to our mother! Give him a way to gracefully back down., I should have known all this, Jason admitted ruefully. Joshs analytical mind couldnt quite comprehend it. Jason sighed at their open, vulnerable expressions. He was at sea for months at a stretch and didnt spend a lot of time wondering how we would survive while he was gone. But the diary drew him, teased him with its mystery. Stopping at the corner of the square, Jeremy took the opportunity to just look at her. Oh, no, Jeremy groaned. I would nae take anymore of your time tonight. Is all of this so you can blame me for losing the contract? Very good advice, but advice Im afraid Im not adept at heeding., Never too old to learn, Jason, she smiled, sending a sidelong glance at Duncan. What a man became wasnt just determined by the blood in his house how people and! Would help if we talked about the name of his mothers tribe captured his attention as turned... Lay on the list her cheeks, but it resonated with Jason was Stempels mother writing began,?! And now they had a previously unknown half-brother wouldnt hurt so badly if it caused loss... Doubted me, maybe I could understand the idea too, but by his intrusion to obtain Miss,... 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